Verify brand attention - in real time

AttentvAds helps advertisers measure attention, analyze media quality and deliver better campaign outcomes.

Using attention signals collected at the ad placement level, AttentvAds delivers real time and actionable results at scale. Device and environment agnostic, AttentvAds standardizes attention measurement across mobile app, mobile web & desktop.

Verification has evolved. Welcome to the Attention Economy.

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the digital landscape Why AttentvAds?

Advertising measurement is changing and brands are demanding better intelligence and predictive outcomes from campaign spend. Regulatory changes are rapidly changing the digital advertising landscape: identifying, tracking and retargeting users for the purposes of advertising is out. Context and creative are back - but more importantly the ability to measure attention and evaluate media quality between publishers and down to placement level.

Independent Verification

Independent Verification

Independently measure and verify attention with a uniform approach

No Panels

No Panels

Scalable, actionable data using direct campaign measurement

Privacy Compliant

Privacy Compliant

Designed against the backdrop of a dynamic regulatory environment

Real Time

Real Time

Signals collected in real time to deliver scalable, actionable results

about us

Welcome to Viewability 2.0

Attention isn’t new - but it's the evolution we need to take us to the next step in digital measurement. The dynamic and changing regulatory landscape is pushing us to explore what's available today, to be smarter about how we can tap into the signals and produce insights that will give advertisers an edge, an advantage. Further as campaigns are increasingly delivered cross device, cross environment and through different buying points, having a uniform standardized approach to measurement is essential.

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Let's Get Started

AttentvAds standardizes attention metrics for digital campaigns

The team at AttentvAds has years of experience building ad technology and verification products. And we’ve delivered solutions that solve problems in unique and challenging environments including native and mobile in-app. We love measurement, but more than that, building products that deliver empirical, evidence based metrics that help buyers make better buying decisions.

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